
Friday, January 27, 2012

Times Are Tough But Are You & Your Artistry Tough Enough? What To Boot And What To Stick With...

Entertainers' Common Struggles  
Whether you are an actor, actress or a musician, harnessing your craft is more than likely your top priority. You work day in and day out in making new contacts, attending events and more than often spend time locating gigs. In addition to this you often look for new ways to revamp your style to attract attention as well as new audiences. The work is strenuous and lately you find that you are giving 80% and not 100%. Even though you are passionate you often wonder whether or not you'll get the lead you so desire. Is this you? If so, fret not. There is hope! I will give you the answers to becoming a better you!

Understand That Success Takes A Lot Of Work.. 
No one said getting into the entertainment industry was going to be easy! As a matter of fact, myself in the past and others have said it will be difficult. Yet, no one ever said it's impossible. Stay on course no matter what comes before you.

Itzel's Solution  

The solution to getting your stride back lies is in changing your attitude, mentality and your social circle. Below you will find a list of do's and dont's. These tips will help you not only to develop a stronger and optimistic you but will also motivate you, to continue your journey.

1. Do Add People That Reflect Who You Are Or 

People You Admire
At mixers or other special events, make a habit of introducing yourself and handing out business cards. A potential employer maybe a greeting away! When online, do not limit yourself by only interacting and following people in your industry. A person outside of your industry may have more contacts than you expected. All in all, never be afraid to reach out and exchange information as well as seeking assistance from people you admire.

2. Do Try Something New/ Be Open Minded 

As an entertainer you must have an open mind which, means don't put all your eggs in one basket. Be open to various gigs-that is if the gigs do not violate your personal beliefs. With that said, if you're not getting leads in print modeling, try looking for gigs in television or film. If you didn't get the part you wanted and you got a different role, put your game face on and show them what you got!! Industry leaders want to see that you can easily adapt not that you are difficult to work with and that you are unable to accept new roles. One opportunity can lead to a better role specially if you play the part right!  

3. Do Remain Optimistic Regardless Of The Dirty & Grittiness
Okay so you got fired from the gig because you were late or for some other issue. Regardless of the reason, stay focused. The show must go on and so must you. If you want this bad enough, you will suck it up, remain strong and never throw in the towel when you have failed. Determination is the key and with the right mentality, you can and will achieve your dreams. Ask the people who support you to jot down 3 things they admire the most about you and remind yourself of these things daily!

4. Do Let Passion Guide You
If you are questioning yourself and your drive is low then it is time for a self-evaluation. Ask yourself why your are down and why you are dragging your feet. Jot down several ideas on how you plan on tackling those issues. Bring in a friend, mentor or someone you confide in to give you ideas. Lastly, decide if your heart is in the right place. Are you sure you are in the right field? Is there another career that interests you? Once you have solved this and know or have re-confirmed your calling, expressing your passion will once again come naturally.

5. Do Let Go Of The Negative Joes
If Kelly, a.k.a TwiceTheFun (for example) on Twitter is not adding anything meaningful to your timeline, why are you following her? If people on social networks are causing harm to your reputation, are not connecting with you and are throwing "F" bombs 24/7, it may be the right time to unfollow these individuals. Having these folks as friends or interacting with them may deter potential employers from hiring you. The fact that they post funny content is not acceptable justification to have them as a follower. Be more selective and choose people that compliment you, your style or that posses a quality you admire.

Do Not...

1. Don't Settle
Settling is the worst thing you can do in any career. Not only because you are unhappy but because the people around you, will also notice your unhappiness-believe it or not. Never be afraid to vow out if you need to, in a professional means of course. At times you may have to accept/take openings that are not to your liking but this does not mean that you cannot continue to pursue your dream. Small strides go miles specially when you believe and if you are willing to commit.

2. Don't Listen to Haters or Respond To Them

As always, turn the other cheek when verbal garbage is thrown your way. People will always get creative at doing things to hamper your spirit. It is your job, to stick to what you believe, strengthen and protect your passion/self-esteem and ignore the negativity. They simply want to confuse you and make you think you do not have what it takes. The truth is, they despise you because you have the balls to do what you are doing and they don't! Take a look at the article titled How To Deal With Haters.

3. Don't Quit When Things Get A little Difficult Or 

You Question Your Abilities
Okay so you fell, get up! What you waiting for! Make a commitment to never quit! This industry is tough but as long as you're prepared mentally, the better equipped you will be in dealing with the ups and downs. So do whatever you need to do to have the right mentally-yoga, therapy, counseling, coaching etc. I recommend reading 5 Ways to Build Self-Confidence.

The Wrap-Up 
Tweaking or revamping, whatever you'd like to call it, is necessary in carving your space in the industry as well as in making you stand out form the crowd. Your new "do," or your ability in embracing a different music genre, and or new style can generate a lot of buzz, and play as a great self-marketing strategy. In addition to this self-confidence and being obstacle-ready are some of the best traits to have upon entering the entertainment industry. But how can you get the "do" that you need succeed? What do you do when you begin questioning your talent or what to give up? When this happens you must evaluate yourself in three areas:

1. Where Passion Lies: Fleeting or Thriving?
2. Level Of Drive & Dedication
3. Current Mentality/State Of Mind

Once you understand where your heart is, obtain a positive social circle, know the time and effort involved in your career as well as the obstacles you may face, your journey will be a lot smoother. Although, there are no survival guides, there is plenty of articles and information online such as How To Survive The Entertainment Jungle that will keep you inspired and motivated. During the ups and downs remind yourself that you are doing this to live your dream. Doing so will encourage you to stay the course.

As always best of luck! Contact me if you need professional guidance!

Itzel Yagual 
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  1. Great suggestions not just for those pursing a career in entertainment...but it can be related to any career pursuit.

  2. Great professional development advice...


  3. Definitely let passion guide you and motive your every move! Great tips!

  4. Great tips. It's always good to remember not to listen to the negative or get down too quickly if something goes wrong.

  5. Definitivamente estos tips sirven para cualquier tipo de carrera. Es fundamental tener claro lo que se quiere y no dejarse desanimar por negativismos ni malos comentarios.
